Reading PYM book: Day 2

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

  • if-else

    Want to give your program the power of decision-making? Just add if-else statements to the code.

    This is where the identation practices come into play. (Wrong output despite the if-else statement can frustate you :P)

    if-else can be nested and can also be extended by elif statements (if you have more than 2 choices)

    • Truth value testing: Another good practice

      if x:
          # code statements

      and not x == True:

      I have made this mistake many times.

      The reason you shouldn’t do this is that every single object in Python can be evaluated to True or False. The PEP 8 Style Guide recommends against comparing a value to True or False as it is less readable and will frequently return an unexpected Boolean. (I found the reason with the help of this link)

  • Looping

    Want the program do to a task repeatedly? Loop the task instead of writing it multiple times

  • Lists

    A data structure. Implemented using square brackets. You can use slicing to access specific elements of list: list[start:stop-before:step]

    • Learnt about range() function from a new perspective. Did not realize earlier that it was a generator function.

Reading PYM book: Day 3

Reading PYM book: Day 1